Landscapes for Northwest Washington

Everyone enjoys attractively designed residential areas, public parks and playgrounds. Landscape architects can design these areas so that they are not only functional, but also beautiful and compatible with the natural environment. They plan the location of buildings, roads, and walkways and the arrangement of vegetation.

Landscape architects are involved with the development of a site from its conception. Working with architects, surveyors, and engineers, landscape architects help determine the best arrangement of roads and buildings. They also collaborate with environmental scientists, foresters, and other professionals to find the best way to conserve or restore natural resources.

Once these decisions are made, landscape architects create detailed plans indicating new topography, vegetation, walkways, and other landscaping details, such as fountains and decorative features.

In planning a site, landscape architects first consider the nature and purpose of the project and the funds available.


Natural elements of the site

- soil

- slope

- drainage

- vegetation

- assess the effect of existing buildings, roads, walkways

- utilities on the project


To account for the needs of the client as well as the conditions at the site, we will make changes before a final design is approved. We also take into account any local, State, or Federal regulations, such as those protecting wetlands or historic resources. In preparing designs, we use CAD software and the Adobe Suite plus we use geographic information systems technology.

Throughout all phases of the planning and design, we consult with other professionals, such as civil engineers, hydrologists, or architects, involved in the project. Once the design is complete, we prepare a proposal for the client.


We provide plans, written reports, sketches, models, photographs, land-use studies, and cost estimates, and submit them for approval by the client and by regulatory agencies.


When the plans are approved we prepare working drawings showing all existing and proposed features. We then outline in detail the methods of construction and draw up a list of necessary materials and then monitor the implementation of their design, with general contractors or landscape contractors usually directing the actual construction of the site and installation of plantings.

We have worked on a variety of projects, such as residential and commercial development, street and highway beautification, waterfront improvement projects, parks and playgrounds in addition to regional planning and site construction.